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Senior Scholars

University of Oxford

Professor of Russian Literature/ Keynote Speaker

Conference Topic: Alexander Radishchev [1749-1802] and Enlightenment

4 Questions From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be: Charles Darwin

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Pierre Bezukhov, Fabrizio (La Chartreuse de Parme), Mr Cogito (Z. Herbert)

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: Music

Your favorite motto: 

- Mind your own business

- Manners makyth the man


University of Cologne

Professor of Slavic linguistics

Conference Topic: Jan Hus and the Czech orthography: East-western inspirations and influences

Research Area: verbal semantics, linguistics of writing, sociolinguistics

4 Questions From Marcel Proust:

What is your current state of mind: as usual, unsuccessfully trying to cope with multi-tasking
Who are your favorite writers: Umberto Eco, Nikolaj Gogol’, Douglas Adams
Which living person do you most admire: Andrej Anatol’evič Zaliznjak
What is your motto:
- Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
(John Lennon, “Beautiful Boy”)


La Sapienza, Rom

Professor for Russian Language and Literature

Professor Giuliani focuses her research on Russo-Italian cultural and literary relations and published several books and essays on this topic. She is member of the board of Russica Romana and Russkaia Pochta and was awarded the Gogol prize by the Boris Eltsin Foundation in 2009 following her work on Nikolai Gogol. 

She likes to read Anna Karenina, The Master & Margarita, Brothers Karamazov, Cechov´s Short Stories, Leopardi´s poems, Macbeth, Faust and Maupassant´s 'A life'. Her favourite places to be are Kolomenskoje in Moscow, the irish west coast, Venice & Rome. She listens to classical music, sixties pop and her favourite singer is Lucio Battisti. Her favourite film is 'To be or not to be' and her favourite actor is Marcello Mastroianni.

Conference's topic: 


University of Belgrade

Scientific researcher, 18th century scholar

Conference Topic: Enlightened Pathways of a Homo Viator. Dositej Obradović between the Balkans and Western Europe

Research Area: Cultural history; Literature; Enlightenment

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be: Koala bear

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Gilgamesh, Daedalus, Telemachus

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: Flying; Polyglottism

Your favorite motto:

- The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.(Lao Tzu) 


University of Belgrade

Professor of Russian Literature

Conference Topic: Варварогений между Востоком и Западом: «Зенит» и русский авангард

Research Area:  Avant-garde

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be:

Your favorite heroes in fiction:

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: 

Your favorite motto:


HSE, Moskow

Researcher fellow

Conference Topic:

Research Area: Italian Renaissance, history of biblical exegesis; history of philology and historical sciences

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be:

Your favorite heroes in fiction:

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: 

Your favorite motto:

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University of Cologne

Lecturer of Slovak language

Conference Topic: The Mission of the Saints Cyril and Methodius and Its Impact on Slovak Culture

Research Area: Slovak literature (travelogues of the 19th century)

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be: just someone else

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Gregor Samsa (The Metamorphosis from Franz Kafka), Esther Greenwood (The Bell Jar from Sylvia Plath), Jozef Mak (Jozef Mak from Jozef Cíger Hronský), Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov (Crime and Punishment from Fyodor M. Dostoevsky), Hauke Haien (The Rider on the White Horse from Theodor Storm)

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: musical talent

Your favorite motto: - I haven't found it yet


HSE, Moscow

Professor at the Faculty of Humanities

Conference Topic: Mondialiazation of Culture and overcoming of the boundaries in German, Polish and Soviet travelogues before the Second World War

Research Area: History of Russian literature; Western literature; Russian theatre; Europena theatre

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your chief characteristic: 

Your favorite heroes in fiction: 

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: 

Your favorite motto: 


HSE, Moscow


     Professor at the Faculty of Humanities 

Conference Topic: Sociological classics in contemporary historical research: blind spots or instruments

Research Area: theory of history, history of ideas, sociology of knowledge

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your chief characteristic: Sense of harmony

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Bret Ashley

Natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: Ballet dancer.

Your favorite motto: - Никогда и ничего не просите! Никогда и ничего, и в особенности у тех, кто сильнее вас. (Михаил Булгаков. Мастеp и Маpгаpита)

Never ever ask for favours. Especially from people stronger than you. (The Master & Margarita, Michail Bulgakov)


HSE, Moscow


     Scientific researcher

Conference Topic:  Fas et Nefas of a Scientific Text in Premodern Europe

Research Area: ​ Scholastic philosophy; Biblical hermeneutics; Political Thought in the Early Modern Period

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your chief characteristic: 

Your favorite heroes in fiction: 

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: 

Your favorite motto: 


University of Warsaw

Art historian, Assistant professor 

Confrence Topic: Between Rome and Muscovy. Images of the Virgin Mary in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Research Area: Early modern art history


HSE, Moscow

Professor at the Faculty of Humanities 

Conference Topic: East and West in the Work of Ivan Bunin

Research Area: 20th-century Russian literature; History of film; Sociology of literature

Professor Lekmanov taught in Moscow. Mostly at the Faculty of Journalism (Moscow State) and Philology (School of Economics). He also taught in Tartu, Oxford, Edinburgh and Sheffield.

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust

Your chief characteristic: dillignet, tenacious, cheerful

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Berti Buster

Natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: innate goodness

Your favorite motto: Do not judge if you do not want to be judged yourself.


University of Cologne

     Scientistic researcher; Assistant Professor

Conference Topic: Dialogue of Law: Cardinal directions of the reception of the philosophy of law

Research Area: Eastern European & International Law

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust

Who would you want to be: You

Your favorite heroes in fiction: Ivan Petrovic Vojnickij (Djadja Vanja)

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: Good faith

Your favorite motto: Imagination is a form of courage


University of Cologne


     Professor of Slavic literature

Conference Topic: Sergei Averintsev, Intermediary between East and West

Research Area: Russian literature, Serbian literature, Polish literature, Cultural and Intellectual History, Reception of Classical Antiquity, Hebrew literature in Central and Eastern Europe

4 Questions From Marcel Proust:

What is your current state of mind: Erat hora
Who are your favorite writers: Elias Canetti, Vladimir Nabokov, Saul Tchernichowsky, L.N. Tolstoi, William Shakespeare, Desiderius Erasmus
Which living person do you most admire: Barack Obama
What is your motto: 

- Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt


University of Cologne


     Scientific researcher

Conference Topic: East and West Semiosis in Lotman and Kristeva

Research Area: Kamelia Spassova is a senior assistant professor in Comparative Literature in the Department of Theory and History of Literature atSofia University. Recently she published a book, based on her PhD dissertation: Event and Example in Plato and Aristotle, 2012 , which deals with the tension between literary examples and exemplarity work in philosophical and theoretical research.

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

If not yourself, who would you be: 

Your favorite heroes in fiction: 

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: 

Your favorite motto:


University of Warsaw


     Philologist, literary scholar, professor at the University of Warsaw

Conference Topic: Traditions of meditation on the Christ’s Passion in the 15th, 16th and 17th century (the late Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation)

Research Area: Christ’s Passion – Theology – Devotion – Prayers and devotions – Devotional literature (Latin, Polish, German) – the late Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation.

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your favorite writers: Szymon Zimorowic, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, Józef Czechowicz 

Which historical figure do you most identify with: 
In some respects – Carl Lotus Becker (1873-1945)

Your greatest achievement: A critical edition (2009) of The Holy Cross Sermons (ca 1300), the oldest extant sermons in the Polish language

Your favorite motto: - In animo vera libertas.


University of Warsaw


      Historian of Literature

Conference Topic: Humanists from East and West in Sremski Karlovci

Research Area: Slavia Orthodoxa in the Balkans (and its Cultural Base) from 18th to 21st Century

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your favorite writers: It is a very difficult question… I like world writers like Amos Oz, but from the other side I like very much writers from so called minor literatures, like the Serbian writer Danilo Kiš, or Macedonian writer Živko Čingo, or Bulgarian poet Konstantin Pavlov.

Which historical figure do you most identify with: I do not Identify with historical figures…

Your greatest achievement: …to organize series of book Colloquia Balkanica in DiG Publishing House in Warsaw, we published four volumes in this series, and the fifth volume will be dedicated to Serbian literary and historian discourse about Goli otok, the Author of this book is my former PhD. Student, and the book is her PhD.

Your favorite motto:

- Do your best even in bad circumstances!


University of Warsaw


      Scientific researcher

Conference Topic: Between East and West: Diego Saavedra y Fajardo and his Empresas politicas in XVIIcentury Poland

Research Area: 

4 Questions  From Marcel Proust:

Your favorite writers: 

Which historical figure do you most identify with: 

Your greatest achievement: 

Your favorite motto:

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